Det är bara två veckor kvar tills jag flyttar till Nya Zeeland nu. OH MY GOD! OMIGODH! Haha ibland tänker jag bara yeah let´s do this och andra dagar so bara shiet, vad har jag gett mej in på?? Roligt nog är jag inte så nervös över det faktum att jag ska flytta till andra sidan jorden utan snarare över alla förberedelser och saker som ska med och FRAMFÖRALLT över att jag ska börja söka jobb igen så fort vi kommit dit! Jag blir alltid så nervös när jag ska börja ett nytt jobb, men det är väl fler som blir haha?
De senaste två veckorna har jag gjort mycket kul och passat på att njuta av min tid i Sverige. Här kommer en recap i bilder! :)
Only two weeks left until I move to New Zealand! OH MY GOD!! OMIGODH!! Haha sometimes I´m like; yeah let´s do this and other days I´m just like; shiet what have I done?? Funnily enough I´m not so very nervous about actually moving to the other side of the planet but rather about all the planning and things I neeed to bring and most DEFINATELY I´m worried about applying for a job! I always get so nervous when I start a new job, but I´m not alone right haha?
These last two weeks I´ve been doing a lot of fun stuff and really enjoyed my time i Sweden. Here´s a recap in photos! :)
Went to Ljungsbro market and realized I hadn´t ever been to the factory shop so I we went there. Boy did they have a lot of chocolate! mihihi
Had a Greek evening with the family when we ate Greek food and listened to Greek music and watched the photos from Rhodes. Cosy cosy!
Finally got to meet up with this beautie at our fav café! :)
Happy girl havin dinner in Öregrund up north before we took the ferry over to the island where she´s got a summer cottage.
Me and Malin! :)
Can´t believe I´m moving to New Zealand in two weeks time with these two cuties!!!
Evening swim in da sea!
Having a luxorious dinner on the veranda, salmon and white wine ;)
Just relaxing, talking to my girls, reading, swimming in the sea... I absolutely loved it! Should definately do this more often!
Playing boule like old people XD
Watching the sunset with friends is definately on my fav-things-to-do-list
Love starting the morning with a nude swim in the sea! Refreshing like crazy
Blue skies all through the weekend <3
Ice cream in the harbour on our way to Uppsala.
With Elin in Uppsala!! :D
Of course we started our day with fika...
and then had some more fika haha. But we did have time to go shopping in between! I like Uppsala, if I have to stay in Sweden I could easily imagine myself studying there!
In the evening Elin smuggled me into one of the student pubs and we had some dinner and drinks with her friends.
Tuesday we went into Stockholm and met up with Johanna. Wiie I always have so much fun with these girls!
Stockholm castle, tourist style haha
Had fika in old town, tried a capuccino just cause I haven´t had one before. Before you freak out remeber I didn´t even like coffee before living so close to all those Starbucks in Brighton!
Had dinner at this really nice italian resturant called Vapiano and ate the best salmon pasta of my life, OMG food orgasm x 1000! Thank you Joel Älveroth for the tip!
Finished off an awesome day with a beer at an irish pub before heading back to Uppsala :)
Me and Johanna on the tourist trail of Uppsala.
In front of the castle, sorry for ruining the photo haha
Had crepes at a cosy little café after I went wild and crazy in the English Bookshop. Lucky we don´t have it here in Linköping or I would spend all my money on books haha.
Back in Linkan I went to the cinema with this young lady and watched the One Direction movie in 3D. And yes I admit I enjoyed it a lot, the guys seems to have real fun lives.
Enjoyed a real nice dinner with my cous before going home to me to watch camp rock
And in the morning I got to see her compete in Archery!
And that´s the end of two awesome weeks. Tomorrow I gotta start packing for real aaah!! Haven´t I got the cutest cousin ever btw? <3