Jag och Jenka blev stoppade av polisen igår klockan fem på morgonen när vi var påväg till jobbet. Sega som vi är så fattar vi inte att det är oss dom blinkar till (för att vara ärlig så märkte jag inte att det blinkade alls haha men det var ju som sagt tidigt så det kanske är förståeligt) så dom får åka efter oss en bra bit och hoppa ut ur bilen och ropa på oss haha. Det visade sej att dom blivit ditringda pga ett lägenhetsbråk mellan några svenska tjejer (självklart liksom) så vi blev utfrågade om det. Riktigt trevliga var dom iallfall och den ena riktigt snygg, ni vet en såndär Hollywoodskådis som bara spelar polis typ mehehe XD Snällt av dom att inte nämna att vi cyklade utan lysen på trottoaren mitt i mörka natten... Självklart trodde jag ju att det var anledningen till att dom stoppade oss så ni kan ju förstå paniken när jag tänkte på de skyhöga bötrarnaman kan få här i Norge. Där hade vi tur! Hittade ett roligt stadsnamn idag igen förresten. Trøgstad. Haha asså seriöst vem vill säga hej jag bor i Trøgstad?
Jenka and I were pulled over by the police yesterday at five o´clock in the morning on our way to work. We didn´t even realize at first that they were signaling us to stop (to be honest, I didn´t even notice they were signaling at all haha but like I said, it was very early) so they had to chase us for a while and jump out of the car and shout to us to stop haha. It turned out they had been sent there because of an apartment brawl between some swedish girls (of course) so they asked us a lot of questions about that. They were real nice anyways and one of them was really handsome, like a hollywod movie star just acting the role of a police officer mehehe XD Kind of them not to mention the fact that we rode bikes with no lights on the pavement ... Of course I thought that was the reason they stopped us and I panicked there for a while when i thought of the horrible norweigan fines. We got lucky!
Jenka and I were pulled over by the police yesterday at five o´clock in the morning on our way to work. We didn´t even realize at first that they were signaling us to stop (to be honest, I didn´t even notice they were signaling at all haha but like I said, it was very early) so they had to chase us for a while and jump out of the car and shout to us to stop haha. It turned out they had been sent there because of an apartment brawl between some swedish girls (of course) so they asked us a lot of questions about that. They were real nice anyways and one of them was really handsome, like a hollywod movie star just acting the role of a police officer mehehe XD Kind of them not to mention the fact that we rode bikes with no lights on the pavement ... Of course I thought that was the reason they stopped us and I panicked there for a while when i thought of the horrible norweigan fines. We got lucky!
Har ingen passande bild till denhär texten så jag lägger upp en gammal istället. Vill ha sommmar så jag kan bli bruuun igen!